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Learning Talon Voice Coding and Dictation

Talon Voice Coding

How to speak with your voice.

Have you ever thought about coding without other tools like a keyboard and mouse? Some people might have RSI, other problems, or maybe you just want more flexibility.

Talon is a tool that can help you code with your speech. It’s like learning a new language.

Warm Up

When you start to use talon you should warm up. Enunciation is critical. Keep a cup of water nearby. Use vocal exercises like QEQR to stretch your mouth and hum in the morning.

Setting Up Talon

You can download Talon and set up the community settings. Once it is installed I recommend choosing in talon’s setting: Speech Recognition > Saving Recordings. It will make it easier to troubleshoot when a command and your voice do not match.

Practicing the basics with Command Mode

Wake up. Go to sleep. Talon Wake. Talon Sleep.

Apps, Windows, and Tabs

Launch text.Window open. Window close.

Focus Chrome. Window next. Window next. Window Last. Window Last.

Tab new. Tab new. Tab next. Tab last.

Snap left. Snap right. Snap top. Snap bottom. Snap full.

Learn the Alphabet with Help

Help alphabet. Help close.

You can drill yourself and if you forget you can use help.

As you are drilling and practicing the alphabet you can decide if you want to customize the alphabet.

Customize Alphabet: Talon Home. User > Community > settings > alphabet.csv

Adding New Words or Vocabulary

If you work and write with technology there are a lot of new words. You can customize your vocabulary. Customize new words: Talon Home. User > Community > settings > additional_words.csv


Drill your numbers. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.


Delete. Forward delete. Home. End. Pageup. Pagedown. Enter. Print screen.


Select line delete. Select all delete. New line. Slap.

Copy that. Cut that. Paste that. Redo that.

File save.

Go up. Go down. Go left. Go right. Zoom in. Zoom out.

Dictation Mode Toggle between command mode to dictation mode.

Scratch that. Go line start. Go line end.

Mouse Grid

If you want to navigate your mouse with your voice use mouse grid. You can practice with your desktop and navigate to a folder to click and open a folder.

Mouse grid.

Speak out the numbers until you zoom in to the folder. Then either say “touch” or “righty”.

Mouse grid. Grid off.


Further Information


Learn these exercises! You can be liberated from the keyboard and mouse.